Monday, September 25, 2006


It's hysterical to think that four little letters have given me so much hope in the past few days. Nearly laughable that I have spent the majority of my time lately being consumed by it, seeing how it will propel me to grow. But what I've found as these four little letters have given me insight into myself I never had before.

The Myers-Briggs Personality test has been my saving grace. I was dubbed an ENFP, that's fantastic. Hurrah for me. But then I dove deeper. I looked into what that meant for me spiritually, what that meant for my relationships with other people, what sort of insight it may give me for who I am now.

And the good news is that I'm not alone. That I don't have to worry about being weird or different, because quite frankly, I'm exactly who I was supposed to be. This proves that. ENFP's are also labeled "the Inspirers." We inspire other people around us through our intense enthusiasm and huge connectedness to others. We can recognize traits in people and use them to make others grow. We are so constantly focused on other people, so consumed by that interaction, that we forget to focus on ourselves.

For me, church is a community environment. I love the interaction with people. I'm not so obsessed with the service as I am with the people. And prayer? It's uncomfortable for me, but that's okay! It usually is for people like me!

And who knew that when I just inherently figure something out that other people did it too? I'm not actually that bizarre! And there's even a process for that, too! YAY! I'm not strange! Or overly so!

I'm blessed with the gift that I'm not forgotten or wrong... that I'm actually right and the way I'm supposed to be. And man am I EVER excited to get to know myself all over again!!!!

Peace. Out.


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