Thursday, October 05, 2006

Note to self: If when you were in high school, you were allergic to sleeping in your contacts, there is a STRONG likelihood that it will be the same way in college. Turns out that stuff doesn't change. Who knew?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a genius. And it showed quite obviously this morning when in class I couldn't keep my eyes open. I looked like a blubbering idiot with all of the tears that were streaming down my face continuously. But, I wasn't crying. My eyes just hurt. A lot. After my Dad spoke in class, I went into the bathroom to see how bad my eyes were. They looked like blood had been thrown into them. It was terrible. Around the irises swelled up!

So, there I was, in marketing, looking like I'm bawling, and attempting to pay attention to a presentation. It pretty much sucked. I had to escape and go to the health center. Of course that involved driving, which if I thought that the bright flourescent lights were bad, the Sun totally taught me my lesson! Righteous! I had to literally hold my eyelids open. Hurray.

After getting the round plastic discs of death out of my eye, things began improving. Now, roughly eleven hours later, my eyes only have SOME swollen areas, only appear bloodshot, and I can totally keep my eyes open. The headache and stingy sensation exist as well.

I'm attending this leadership seminar right now with HC and I tell you... I'm not sure what to make out of it. I got the impression that they were going to help cultivate us into stronger leaders, but I'm getting the impression that it's all about something else. Interesting. Hmmm...


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